Welcome to my personal blog!
My name is Mike, and I'm a web developer with decades of experience designing, building, and customizing WordPress websites. I own and operate multiple small businesses in the web development and management space, On Budget Services, and YourWPManager.com. I'm also presently working on several programming projects, SaaS services, and an untold number of side gigs.
If I'm not designing or building websites, I'm probably deploying a new virtual machine in my home lab to experiment with some new open-source software or tinkering with a micro-computer to put it to work on something I'm dabbling in. I'm also very much into the maker space, specifically additive and subtractive manufacturing (3D Printing & CNC) and woodworking. The maker community is an amazing and dynamic space, and I enjoy being a part of it. I love creating, designing, and making, especially if it requires me to get hands-on. I also enjoy teaching others and empowering those I teach to pursue things that interest them.
When I'm not working, I enjoy being outdoors, walking or hiking in nature, and traveling to new and exciting hiking trails or mountain lookout spots. The natural world is a source of inspiration and rejuvenation, and I try to make time for it whenever possible.
This blog is where I share my passion for technology and the projects I'm working on. Primarily, I write about WordPress since that's what I have the most experience with, but I also write about anything dealing with full-stack development, systems administration, micro-computers, virtual environments, and anything dealing with a computer.
I'm also a husband, father, uncle, and grumpy old man! That last part may not be true, maybe... I have two amazing kids, Haden and Addison, that are both growing up far too quickly. Below are a few pictures of us.